  Public Ticket #1247396
Reverse sidebar location on mobile


  • mdotkone started the conversation

    On desktop I like my sidebar on the left, but this causes it to show up before the main content when on mobile (versus if it was on the right in desktop mode).

    How can I make my desktop sidebar on the left but on mobile, the sidebar comes after the main content?

  •  519
    Nikita replied


    It could be done with php code changes by adding bootstrap classes to the sidebar and main content blocks. Or you can try to make it using custom CSS.

    We added this issue in our bug list and it will be fixed it in the next theme update. I don't think that update will be soon, but if you can wait, this is the best way

  • mdotkone replied

    Hi, that is great to know it is in your next release...

    I will just wait and make my site all sidebar on the right for now then...