  Public Ticket #1374019
Best webhosting for GodLike theme?


  • rocketlive started the conversation

    Hello everyone,

    I'm having the worst experience ever with my GodLike theme and web hosting provider. I bought this theme 3 months ago and the loading time is taking more than 6 seconds. I contacted iPage about my issue and they recommend me to change my plan to Wordpress Essencial so now I'm paying more for my hosting plan but having the same issue.

    They say my theme is too heavy and it will always load slow thing that i cant accept so I'm looking for other options, i want a webhosting were my GodLike theme run fast and smooth, any recommendations?

  • [deleted] replied


    Let's see:

    I see that the site is loaded in 5 seconds, it takes a long time to load images, styles and fonts.

    The very first query shows a high TTFB time:

    More details can be found here: https://www.serverdensity.com/guides/ttfb/

    My recommendations:

    1. Use Autooptimize plugin for optimizes your website, concatenating the CSS and JavaScript code, and compressing it.

    2. Use WP Super Cache plugin for cache your website.

    3. To reduce the TTFB, use the CDN services, for example: 



    4. To increase the speed of loading pictures, you can reduce their size.

    If there are any difficulties with the configuration, then you can give me access from the administrative panel of the site and I'll see how I can help.

    Have a nice day.