  Public Ticket #1379168
Age Check Custom Redirect don't work


  • elbkomplizen started the conversation

    I tryed to config a custom redirect for the age check. but if i type in a date of birth, which is younger than 18, i get only a refresh of the age check but no redirect to the other page (extern)

    Could you give me help?

    Thx Andreas

  •   [deleted] replied privately
  • elbkomplizen replied

    Thx for the realy quick help!!!

  • elbkomplizen replied

    Hi Alex... one last question:

    which link have i to put in the fiel for the sucsessful input? If i put only the link of the homepage www.acab-gaming.com in, i get an error about to many redirections (i thibk because the age check is on the same domain)... and if i leave it empty the luink for unsucsessful input doesnt work... :O

    Could you give me another help please?


  •   [deleted] replied privately