  Public Ticket #1461613
Woocommerce Checkout


  • quirkdee started the conversation

    I have looked and pondered what the problem with the fields inside of the checkout of Woocommerce could be.  Of coarse, I have stayed away from editing the code directly without forming a ticket.  It seems that the fields are making a small column and I'm not sure what to do about it.  Any help would be much appreciated. It seems to be only affected at the checkout portion for all other areas such as the account and cart seems to be performing fine.  

  • [deleted] replied


    There is no official support for the plugin, but I'll help you.

    Find on your server this file: \wp-content\plugins\woocommerce\templates\checkout\form-checkout.php

    Copy it here: \wp-content\themes\musart-child\woocommerce\checkout\form-checkout.php

    Modify the copied file as follows:

    It should be like this:

  • quirkdee replied

    On it.  Will get back.  Thanks for the quick response.